José González

JoséGonzález:LocalValley...He'searnedplatinumrecordsintheUKandhisSwedishhomelandaswellgoldinAustraliaandNewZealand.He'salsogotsome ...,JoséGabrielGonzález(born31July1978)isaSwedishindiefolksinger-songwriterandguitaristfromGothenburg.Gonzálezisals...。參考影片的文章的如下:


José González

José González: Local Valley ... He's earned platinum records in the UK and his Swedish homeland as well gold in Australia and New Zealand. He's also got some ...

José González (singer)

José Gabriel González (born 31 July 1978) is a Swedish indie folk singer-songwriter and guitarist from Gothenburg. González is also a member of the band ...

José Gonzalez (French politician)

José Gonzalez (born 28 April 1943) is a French politician of the National Rally. In 2022, he was elected to the National Assembly for Bouches-du-Rhône's ...

Jose Gonzalez

José González · Tour · Media · Discography · Bio/photo · Contact; Store. US STORE · EU STORE · AUS STORE · Mailing list. New album ”Local valley” out now. Local ... Jose Gonzalez · Tour · Discography · Media

José González Songs

A widely celebrated Swedish singer/songwriter, José González is known for his pastoral blend of introspective folk and autumnal indie pop.

Profile for Jose Gonzalez

Jose Gonzalez. 351501 likes · 185 talking about this. Based in Göteborg, Sweden. 10% Veneer is turning 20 years old! Learn more:...

José González ( • Instagram photos and videos

I play guitar and sing 'Veneer' is 20 years old! Deluxe Reissue out now 10% Pledge. + 1. Follow. Message. Merch's profile picture.

José González

José González has announced the release of his eagerly awaited fourth solo studio album. His first album in more than six years, Local Valley will arrive ...

José González | Live at Sydney Opera House

Returning to Australia for Vivid LIVE in 2023, master singer-songwriter José González celebrated the 20th anniversary of the album that ...


JoséGonzález:LocalValley...He'searnedplatinumrecordsintheUKandhisSwedishhomelandaswellgoldinAustraliaandNewZealand.He'salsogotsome ...,JoséGabrielGonzález(born31July1978)isaSwedishindiefolksinger-songwriterandguitaristfromGothenburg.Gonzálezisalsoamemberoftheband ...,JoséGonzalez(born28April1943)isaFrenchpoliticianoftheNationalRally.In2022,hewaselectedtotheNationalAssemblyforBouches-du-Rhône's...